With our own cold storage-rooms, we extend this specific service to our customers.
Receiving products, containers, trucks, loose and palletized cargoes
Quality control from the supplier
Specific and highly optimized state-of-the-art GHS
Picking orders, packing according to customer conditions
Tax/Financial benefits and advantages through customs warehouses
Handling, kitting
Inventory management, cycle count
Estimation of stored values, merchandise insurance
Domestic and international distribution
Specific licenses, customs warehouses, health registries, pharmacy approval
Confidentiality and quality, AEO and ISO 9001
Specific and highly optimized, cutting-edge GHS:
– Electronic cold-chain control
– Reporting via interface, IT integration
– Technology applied to processes, RFID, GHS
– Returning information to suppliers and clients through IT integration
– High ratio of efficiency, KPI controls
– EDI integration with first-level distribution chains
– Web services